
Wen u love someone

Wen u love someone
Thinking about dem is
juz lyk breathing...

u do it w/o thnking,
& u do it all d time!

~good day =)

The way God judge your prayer

God doesn't judge your
prayer by its length nor
by its volume..

But he does look at the
heart behind the words..

God Bless!

sweetest time of the day

Do you know what is the
sweetest time of the day?
its is wen we pray..


because we're talking to the
One who loves us the most..

i don't do good things

i don't do good things,
Just for the sake of good

I don't even give a damn
for turn on's & turn off's..

I prefered to be seen
at my worst attitude,

Not to be disliked or disgusted..
but to be accepted,
despite having the most terrible
personality one could have..

your likeness for someone has faded

How will you know
that your likeness for
someone has faded?

Its when you see
each other and
everything is quite

Nothing special.
No racing of heartbeat.
No blushing of cheeks.
No twinkling eyes.
No tensed movements.

Juz a contentment
that you're thru
with the person..

remind yourself not to expect perfection

I don't think that
therse is any such
thing as a perfect

I think you find one
person who tolerates
you the best. Who, maybe
moves you to reach
beyond yourself sometimes.

Who sees you more truly
than anyone has ever
seen you. And when that
person fails to see you then,
you just take a deep breath
and remind yourself not to
expect perfection." -Bette

Seduction isn't abwt forcing

Seduction isn't abwt forcing
sum1 2 do sumthing dey
dont wana do..

8s abwt PUSHING sum1
2 do things dey secretly wana


Dont be Sad when you Choose a Wrong Move

Dont be Sad
when you Choose
a Wrong Move,

Because everybody
Commit Mistakes,

It is the primary
reason why a pencil
is always created
with erasers.


Inspiration to move on.

Trials are not
the reason to give up
but a challenge
to improve ourselves.

Our pain is not an excuse
to back out
but an inspiration
to move on.

People need people...

forgive and
come back
people need people
than they need pride!

Good evening guys!!

Love is Love is the eyes...




=-begig! hihihihi..

being contented..

Sometime we just have
to be happy with what
people can offer us.
Even if it's not what we want,
at least it's something. - Sarah

TRUTH is beyond

One must never
b afraid to go 2 far,
for TRUTH is beyond..

take this to heart and seek it
in a region beyond falsification and pretense.
TRUTH allows us to possess freedom
to cast off the veil of misconceptions

i think of you

Jst a thot:

we may sumtimes wonder
y frenz kip forwarding msgs
to us, Let ths enlighten u:

we r all very busy,
but still want to kip intouch;

we hv nothing to say,
but still want to stay conected;

we hv sumthing to say,
but dnt knw wat & hw to say it;

jst wnt to let u knw dat u r rememberd,
important,loved, & missed;

so d next time u get a msg frm me,
dnt think of it as just another forwarded txt..

but rather,

"i think of you"

take care!

worth the risk...

"there may be harm in risking,
but remember that there can
also be regrets in doing nothing."

-just be sure he/she is worth the risk. =)

Pain of missing frens...

Pain of missing frens
isnt dr absenxe,

bt 8s wn u thnk
of g gudtyms u hav shared
N u ask urself

'"will dos moments evr hapen again?"

Good Day!=)